Guide Pack Basket Course
Making a pack basket can be a fun and rewarding project.
A pack basket is a traditional type of backpack used for carrying items while hiking, hunting, or for general outdoor activities. Pack baskets have a long history dating back centuries and have been used by various cultures around the world. Here in Maine our Maine Guides walked the woods with these packs to transport supplies and game through rugged terrain.
In this course, we will weave a 17” tall basket with premium reed. We will go over the history of pack baskets and what materials have been used. The instructor will go through the process of making the basket step-by-step ensuring all will walk away with a finished basket. The baskets will have a base and feet along with pack straps. We will bring a variety of color straps and even color reeds to add a little color to your basket.
Walk away with a pack basket and the knowledge for life!
All level weavers are welcome EVEN if you have never weaved!
Course and material fee: $120 This covers cost of reed, pine feet, plywood base, strap, and instruction.
Must be 18 years of age or older to participate.