It's that time of the year when the sap comes up from the roots of a maple tree and starts to feed the tree new buds. This is when we tap the maples to gather the sap and boil it down to make maple syrup or other yummy, sweet products.
Join me to learn the basics of maple syruping and maple treats. Explorer how you could start making your own maple syruping in your own backyard!
Maple Tree Identification
Maple Sugaring Equipment
Seasonal Timing
Tapping Trees
Sap Collection and Processing
Maple Syrup Uses
Recipes for Maple fudge, cream, hard candy, cookies, and drinks
This will be Hands-On class. Participants will have the opportunity to make of a few culinary delights. We will share in some delicious maple syrup to maple fudge. We will go over some recipes for maple drinks and foods that you will want to share with your family and friends. Also, discussions on how to make other maple-related products, such as maple candy, maple sugar, and maple cream.